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Alder Family Dental
Walla Walla, WA Dentist

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Preventing Infections In Your Mouth

Posted on 8/20/2016 by Patty Martin
A close up of a patients mouth suffering from gum disease.Infections in your mouth can cause a lot of problems. Your teeth and gums can suffer significant damage and you may even face tooth loss.

Infections are caused by several issues, such as untreated broken teeth, gum disease, tooth decay, or abscesses. Preventing these infections, fortunately, is easy.

Proper Oral Hygiene

Maintaining proper oral hygiene is crucial to preventing issues of the mouth. You should be brushing your teeth at least twice a day to remove leftover food particles, which bacteria love to eat, and plaque.

Daily flossing gets between your teeth, where your brush's bristles can't reach. Using mouthwash helps to rinse out any remaining bacteria and kills germs. You should also visit your dentist twice a year for thorough cleanings and to check for problems.

Eat Good Foods
Food can help protect your teeth, keeping them strong and preventing infection. Dairy contains calcium. Meats, fatty fish and tofu provide phosphorous. Dark leafy greens give you other vitamins and minerals. These all work together to keep your teeth strong.

Crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples and carrots activate your saliva production, your mouth's natural defense against bacteria, and require a lot of chewing, helping to scrub plaque off of your teeth. Drinking a lot of water can help keep your saliva production regulated and help wash away food and other harmful contaminants.

Along with eating good food, you should limit or avoid bad foods. Acidic and sugary foods and beverages can help wear away at your teeth, leading to decay, which can then lead to infection.

Call Your Dentist

At the first sign of pain or something out of the ordinary, call your dentist. Whether it's pain, a crack in the tooth or inflamed gums, don't wait. The longer you wait, the higher your risk of developing an infection. Your dentist can pinpoint your problem and help you fix it, keeping infection at bay.

Infections in your mouth can have a severe impact on your health. They may also require expensive procedures to repair any damage. Taking a few simple measures to prevent infections can keep your mouth, and your wallet, happy and healthy.

Please contact us if you have any questions about your oral health.
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